Safety and Convenience of Stairlifts

A stairlift is one of the best pieces of medical equipment that can help a disabled person move independently and freely throughout the house. Their usage is no longer confined to homes as many of them are available for commercial purposes as well. They are being widely used in colleges, schools and hospitals. With the help of a stairlift, handicapped people are now regaining freedom to move.

Stairlifts make life easier for all those who cannot walk or move up and down the staircase. Be it a curved staircase or a straight one, it s always difficult for a person with mobility issues to walk up the stairs. With so many options to choose from, you should opt for design that easily folds away for small landings and narrow staircases. These days, you can get seats with extra padding for a more comfortable ride.

Most stairlifts have moving armrests that are helpful when you re boarding the chair or leaving. They also have a footrest to ensure your feet are not dangling when you re moving. The seat and footrest can be easily adjusted depending upon your size and height to ensure a comfortable fit and ride.

Controls on these stairlifts are user friendly with either a joystick or buttons. Some may even have a remote control giving you access to a stairlift without actually sitting on it, giving the user complete control. New stairlfits come with soft start and stop so you won t get a sudden jolt when you ve reached the bottom or top of the stairs.

The seat belt or lap belt is easily adjustable so it can be worn with ease. Many stairlifts have safety sensors that are placed on the seat or footrest, and they can easily detect obstructions on the stairs, at the bottom or when landing which will immediately stop the chair. This is helpful if you have small pets who would like to follow you, or love sleeping at the bottom of the stair and are not easy to see.  Additionally, stairlifts have a backup or emergency power source. If ever a building or home is affected by a power outage, the stairlift will still function; allowing the user to get to safety and protecting those who rely on a stairlift from becoming trapped within the building.

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