Does your business have an “Equal Accessibility” policy?

Let me ask you a question – Is your business equally accessible to all customers, regardless of age, sex, disability, etc. …? Can someone with mobility issues enter and get around your premises independently or would they need help? Do you have mobility equipment such as a portable ramp available?

If you’ve taken the time to conduct a mobility audit, you’ll already know the answer to our questions and will have taken steps to optimize accessibility by implementing features such as a mobility ramp, a wheelchair lift, an appropriate layout, disabled restroom, etc.

If you aren’t quite sure how to respond though, then it’s time for you to take a long hard look at your business from a different perspective – the perspective of a person with mobility issues. The fact is that all business owners have a responsibility to extend the warmest welcome possible to all existing and potential customers, without exception.

The Benefits of Being an Accessible Business

Imagine that your business is solely an online business; you never see any foot traffic coming through your store or office. If I were to tell you that you could only allow people with NO mobility issues or disabilities to visit your website, what would you say …? Exactly!

Even if someone is in a wheelchair or on crutches, they can still shop online and contribute to your bottom line. The same should go for your physical premises – anyone and everyone should be able to easily enter, navigate and shop in your store, or visit you in your office, unimpeded by physical obstacles, shouldn’t they?

According to a 2013 report, 1 in 8 adults in the U.S., reportedly suffer from mobility issues that hinder their quality of life. That’s quite a significant number of people! By making your premises accessible and attractive to people with disabilities, you can boost your customer base and your brand.

How to Make your Business More Accessible

The good news is that by making small changes, you’ll see big results when it comes to accessibility. There are so many mobility aids on the market that can be customized to suit your set-up including all kinds of portable and modular EZ Access mobility ramps, elevators and vertical lifts.

The Western Stairlifts Team is ready and waiting to show you how you can make a visit to your shop or office an absolute pleasure for people who have trouble getting around. Call us on 801-386-2408 to arrange your free mobility evaluation.

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